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Shop at the Canadian Tire Online Store, providing an extensive range of automotive accessories, home entertainment electronics, televisions DVD players, hardware, power tools, kitchen appliances, sport and camping equipment, computer accessories, digital cameras and camcorders, toy and hobby store as well as the garden patio and outdoors store. showcases the latest products to meet every household, sport and automotive need. The online store offers some products only available on the web. Canadian Tire safe and secure online shopping guarantee. PleaseRemainSeated is an online associate of

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The Canadian Tire Vision, Purpose and Team Values

Canadian Tire has proudly stood the test of time since their founding in 1922. What began as a small but bold entrepreneurial concept has emerged to become Canada's most-shopped retailer with more than 1,000 stores and gas bars across the enterprise. At Canadian Tire, they have a proud history and a promising future. They have a clear sense of why they exist, where they are heading and how they are going to get there. Canadian Tire's future starts with a clear purpose: They are a proud Canadian family of retail, retail-related and financial services businesses that is inter-related and strengthened by the triangle…a great Canadian brand. They exist to create "Customers for Life" and "Shareholder Value".

Across the enterprise, Canadian Tire shares a compelling vision: Their vision is to create sustainable growth by being a national champion and Canada's most trusted company. They will grow from their strengths - leveraging their brands, core capabilities, assets and extraordinary people. Canadian Tire's vision comes to life through their Team Values: They value…Integrity, Dignity, Respect, Open communication  They are all…Team and community minded, Accountable, Innovative. 

The Canadian Tire Way is their foundation and inspiration that will continue to guide their future growth and success.

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